
Upcoming Classes

Looking for an in-person childbirth class in north central West Virginia? As a certified birth doula, I’m here to help you feel prepared, encouraged, and supported as you prepare for your birth. Invest in yourself and love your birth experience!

one-day workshoP

Love your Labor Birth Workshop

Sunday, Jan. 28

3 – 6 PM

In this three-hour workshop, we’ll focus on the tools and the mindset that will help you have a faster, easier labor — and a more positive birth. You will learn relaxation techniques, labor positioning, and comfort tools in a small group environment. You’ll have the opportunity to practice techniques and experiment with tools you can use during labor.

You’ll also go home with a toolkit of resources for preparing for your birth throughout the rest of your pregnancy!

This workshop will be held in a cozy artisan space in downtown Bridgeport, WV, at Market on Main. Space is limited, so register using the form below to reserve a spot.

$55 per individual or couple

Complete the form below to register!

This class is instructed by Kelly Allen, a certified birth doula based in Bridgeport, WV. Get to know Kelly here!

How to avoid tearing during birth

Why go to an in-person childbirth class?

  • Talk to a birth professional about your questions and concerns
  • Connect with other expecting families
  • Get hands-on learning and practice to better prepare for labor
  • Learn from someone who knows the options, providers, and resources in your area
  • Support a small business where you live!

Register for the Workshop

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If you chose PayPal as your payment method, please click the payment button below to complete your registration.

What Others are Saying

“Kelly is one of those women that overflows with grace and love for those she’s with—without losing her steady core of strength and wisdom. She keeps me grounded, listens to my fears, and provides counsel and hope while leaving the power in my hands.”
“Kelly is kind, supportive, and a great listener. Anyone who hires her as their doula, is not only going to get a knowledgeable and loving person during the most important day/s of their life, but is also gaining a friend, a confidant, and a truly wonderful spirit.”
“Kelly has been a warm, sweet presence since the day I met her. Kelly makes me feel comfortable and confident in myself by asking simple questions and listening with a genuine heart.”

Book a free consultation today.

Let’s chat and see if birth doula services are right for you and your birth.

Contact me

