
Service Packages

When you’re preparing for birth, you should have peace of mind knowing that you’ll be heard, supported, and cared for along the way.


With a doula, you can feel more confident and empowered throughout your pregnancy, birth, and postpartum because you have someone by your side to help you through it all. My goal as your doula is to help you love your experience, be confident in your choices, and never feel alone.


If you’re not sure what doula support would look like for you, send me a message to book a free consultation. We can talk about what services are right for you and see if I’m a good fit to support you on your journey!

Birth Package

Price: $900

With a birth doula, you have a personal coach and expert on hand throughout your pregnancy, labor, and postpartum. I’m here to help you love your birth experience by helping you prepare and supporting along the journey.


This package includes:


Free consultation

Meet in-person or via Zoom/Facetime to make sure we are a good fit.


Two prenatal visits

We’ll discuss your choices, relaxation techniques, comfort measures, partner support, positioning, postpartum recovery, etc.


Phone support throughout pregnancy

My evidence-based knowledge base in pregnancy, birth, and postpartum is a text or phone call away.


On call starting at 37 weeks

Whether you go into labor at 2 am or 2 pm, I’ll be available 24/7 to support you by phone, and in person when you’re ready.


Unlimited birth support

No matter how long your labor, I’ll be there to support you. Protecting a calm atmosphere, positioning, comfort measures, helping you understand your options, guiding your partner, and gently reminding you to care for yourself are all ways I can help.


One postpartum visit

We can debrief your birth story if you wish, talk about postpartum healing, newborn care, sleep, nutrition, breastfeeding, or whatever is on your mind. I’m here to “mother the mother” as you adjust to life with your baby.

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Prenatal Package

Price: $400

Feel more prepared for labor and postpartum, and have added knowledge and support during your labor, without the physical presence of a doula.


This package includes:


Free consultation

Meet in-person or via Zoom/Facetime to make sure we are a good fit.


Two prenatal visits

We’ll discuss your choices, relaxation techniques, comfort measures, partner support, positioning, postpartum recovery, etc.


Phone support throughout pregnancy

My evidence-based knowledge base in pregnancy, birth, and postpartum is a text or phone call away.


Phone support during labor and birth

I will be available 24/7 by phone call or text during your labor to assist with things like recognizing the progression of labor, position changes, and processing decisions.


One postpartum visit

We can debrief your birth story if you wish, talk about postpartum healing, newborn care, sleep, nutrition, breastfeeding, or whatever is on your mind. I’m here to “mother the mother” as you adjust to life with your baby.

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Private Childbirth Classes

Price: Ranges from $225-$475

I offer three options for private childbirth classes, so that you can choose what fits your schedule and budget. Sessions can be held in Bridgeport, WV, or in the comfort of your home (up to 15 miles travel).


OPTION A: Birth Basics


Two 1.5-hour sessions

Covers the basics of what to expect in labor, relaxation techniques, positioning, and comfort tools

Includes labor toolkit full of practical resources


OPTION B: Birth Basics and Planning


Four 1-hour sessions

Covers Option A plus creating your birth plan, understanding hospital interventions and communicating with your providers, and more practice time for relaxation, positioning, and comfort tools

Includes labor toolkit fill of practical resources


OPTION C: Birth and Postpartum Preparation


Six 1-hour sessions

Covers Options A and B plus one guide to postpartum session and one full practice session for relaxation techniques, comfort tools, and positioning

Includes labor toolkit full of practical resources


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birth doula support bridgeport morgantown west virginia


Why Hire a Doula?


Fewer Cesareans


Decrease in negative birth experience


minutes shorter labor


increase in spontaneous vaginal birth


decrease in low APGAR scores


higher rate of breastfeeding

SOURCE: Bohren MA, et al., Continuous Support for Women During Childbirth. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2017, Issue 7


Frequently Asked Questions

What is a doula, and what do they do?

A doula is a trained professional who provides continuous physical, emotional, and informational support to a woman before, during, and after childbirth. Doulas do not provide medical care, but they offer comfort measures, advocacy, and guidance to help women and their families have a positive birth experience.

What is the difference between a doula and a midwife?

While both doulas and midwives provide support to pregnant individuals, their roles are different. Midwives are trained healthcare professionals who provide medical care, including prenatal care, delivery, and postpartum care. Doulas, on the other hand, offer non-medical support, focusing on emotional and physical comfort, advocacy, and education.

Do doulas only support natural births, or can they assist with medical interventions like epidurals or cesarean sections?

Doulas support all types of births, whether they are natural, medicated, or involve medical interventions. Our goal is to support you in achieving the birth experience that aligns with your preferences and values. If medical interventions become necessary, we can help you understand your options, provide comfort, and advocate for your wishes.

WHy should I hire a doula for my birth?

Research has shown that having a doula present during labor can lead to shorter labor times, reduced need for medical interventions such as cesarean sections, and higher satisfaction with the birth experience. Doulas provide personalized support and advocacy, helping you feel empowered and informed throughout your journey to parenthood.

When should i hire a doula?

It’s never too early or too late to hire a doula, but many people choose to secure doula support early in their pregnancy to establish a relationship and benefit from guidance throughout the entire process. However, even if you’re further along in your pregnancy, it’s still worthwhile to reach out to a doula to see if they have availability and can support you.

How can a doula support partners or other family members during the birthing process?

Doulas not only provide support to the birthing individual but also offer guidance and reassurance to partners and other family members throughout labor and delivery. We can help partners understand what to expect during childbirth, provide suggestions for ways they can actively support the laboring person, and offer emotional support and encouragement to help them feel confident in their role as a birth companion. Additionally, doulas can step in to give partners breaks when needed, ensuring that everyone feels supported and cared for during this transformative experience.

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serving Bridgeport, WV, and surrounding areas
[email protected]