YOUR dream BIRTH IS within reach

As a birth doula, I’m here to help you have a strong, supported, positive birth experience. I equip you with the tools, information, and unconditional support you need, and stay by your side throughout the journey.


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Birth Doula West Virginia Kelly Allen

a little about me

Hi! I’m Kelly.

I fell in love with birth when I had my first child and experienced how transformative and empowering birth can be. After giving birth to my fourth child in 2021, I knew supporting women and families through the incredible journey of pregnancy and birth is what I am meant to do!

My role as your doula is to give you the tools, encouragement, and presence to help you feel amazing as you do the incredible work of birth. 

how i can help

Feel supported and confident with a birth doula

Informed Pregnancy

Go through your pregnancy with confidence. I’m here to answer your questions, connect you to resources, and help you prepare for labor and birth.

24/7 Labor Support

I’m on call day or night from 37 weeks until your baby arrives. I can answer questions about labor by phone, and whenever you’re ready for me, I’ll be there.

Continuous Support

Whether your labor lasts 6 hours or 26 hours, you’ll have continuous support throughout your labor and in the first precious moments with your baby.

Postpartum Care

The first days and weeks with your newborn can be rough. I can support you practically and emotionally as you adjust to life with your baby.

kelly allen birthjoy doula services west virginia

service area

supporting families within 35 miles of bridgeport, wv

not sure if you’re in my service area? send me a message! if i can’t help, i will refer you to a trusted doula in your area.

Why choose a birth doula?

You should feel confident about your decisions and fully supported throughout pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. It’s my job to nurture you as you do the incredible work of birth and motherhood!

Even if you have a supportive partner and/or family members, doula support can make a huge difference! With a doula, you have an experienced support person who will stay calm, positive, and unbiased no matter what happens.

continuous care

I create a positive, encouraging space around your birth. With support, you can enter your labor with confidence.

informed choices

I provide unbiased, evidence-based information so you can make the best choices for you and your baby.

less intervention

Women with doulas are less likely to have epidurals and cesarean births, and are more likely to breastfeed successfully.

happier birth experiences

Women supported by doulas report more satisfied birth experiences and less severe postpartum depression.


Service Packages

book a free consultation

serving bridgeport, wv and surrounding areas
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